Honda Repair Process in Doylestown

If you live in Doylestown and own a Honda, then chances are in your search for “Honda repairs near me,” you have found the experts at JL Freed Honda. Knowing each of our technicians has years of experience working specifically on your car’s make and model, you can rest easy when you have an issue that needs attention or a repair to be made quickly and efficiently. 

At JL Freed Honda Auto Body Shop, we have a distinct and unique Honda Repair Process that ensures the quality of repair and the satisfaction of our customers. This process begins with a vehicle repair and three big goals.

1. Restoring the appearance of the vehicle

One of the more obvious goals of vehicle repair after a collision is the appearance of the vehicle. You may be shocked that your car looks more damaged than you thought on the outside. This is all by design. The crumpling and malleability of your vehicle is a safety feature that absorbs the energy of the collision instead of transferring it to the passengers inside.

Once we have gotten your vehicle towed into the shop, our technicians will assess the damage done to the body. This allows our mechanic to get a rough idea of the cost of the damage and order the necessary parts that he can currently see need replacing. All of this work is to help you, our valued customer, get a better idea of how long you will be without your car and at what cost,

Once the parts are received, the mechanics will begin working on your vehicle, precisely matching your damaged car to its former factory specifications.

2. Restoring the performance and safety of your vehicle

The second one of our goals here at JL Freed Honda Automotive Repair is to restore the performance and safety of your vehicle, for most, the most crucial part. The frame and structural work, should they have been damaged, need to be welded and straightened using computerized measuring equipment that ensures the most precise repair. This is also why it is of utmost importance that your vehicle is being repaired by certified mechanics and trustworthy people. All of this helps to ensure that when your vehicle is returned to you, all of the parts you can’t see from the outside are working correctly. 

3. Provide lasting repairs with high-quality replacement parts and paint

Since we at JL Freed Honda are a Honda Certified Collision Repair Facility, we use OEM parts for the repair of your vehicle after a collision. We use these parts because they are the highest quality and what your Honda intended to use.

When it comes time to paint, we use a combination of computerized paint-mixing systems, training, and experience to get the exact color match for your vehicle with as many coats as necessary to get your car looking as good as it ever has.

This process is proof that if you live in Doylestown and have been looking for ”Honda repairs near me,” you have found the most trustworthy and dedicated auto shop in your area. We can’t wait to help you and your vehicle get back on track.